Every transaction helps!

Help By Shopping at businesses that are willing to help causes.

You get the products and services you want and the causes get the help that they need!
We Help Every Time!

Help By Shopping!
How could helping causes cost you any less?

You get all of the social benefits of financially helping causes, without any of the cost.


Click the picture for more information and/or to shop.

Everyone can help for free!

Share our website with family, friends and on social media.

Use the icon on the right side of your screen. Click on the last icon to access all the sharing options. Choose SMS to share by texting.

Didn't find the local small businesses where you spend your money, advertised on our website?

Personalize your help!

STEP 1 (The next time that you go to the business) Tell the business owner that you are a supporter of Help By Shopping.com and that you would like to refer your fellow supporters to their business.

STEP 2 (Using your smartphone)  Open the Help By Shopping.com website, click on ADVERTISE WITH US and show the person our ADVERTISE WITH US page.

What our supporters are saying.




Click "Chat/Message Support"  below to chat on WhatsApp or send us an email to mail@helpbyshopping.com.  When you get to WhatsApp, start by typing and then send us your message.

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